A Little About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Holly and I am an artist. I have always had a passion for art and learning new things. I have self taught myself to sew, which let me to embroidery. Between 2009-2011 I became a mom of two beautiful babies, motivating, and sparking my interest in learning more about the digital art world. This lead me to the next chapter of my life.

The fast past digital world and art collided, intriguing me to want to learn more. I decided to expand my knowledge and chose to enroll in school for graphic design. I ultimately graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in 2020. As we all know that year was difficult for so many, but I kept pushing forward. As a small business, I strive to keep learning and growing as an artist. This is truly my dream job, and no matter if your a small business or hobbyist, I want to help you achieve your dream as well.